

Shanghai International Conference Center is situated in the heart of Lujiazui Financial and Trade Core Zone, along the Huangpu Riverside, adjacent to the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower, and opposite to the world’s architecture gallery on the Bund across the Huangpu River. It was officially open to the public on August 22nd, 1999. 


上海国际会议中心以举办大型和特大型国际国内会议等蜚声海内外。位于七楼的无柱型多功能厅——上海厅面积达 4400平方米,可同时容纳 3000人会议。38 个大小不等、风格迥异的多功能厅可满足任何高规格会议活动需求。

Shanghai International Conference Center is a renowned venue for large and super large domestic and international conferences and forums. Shanghai Hall, a pillarless multi-functional hall on the seventh floor covers an area of 4,400 square meters, can accommodate 3,000 people at a time. 28 multi-functional rooms in different sizes and styles are available to meet any needs of high-standard conferences and events.


上海国际会议中心先后出色完成了`99《财富》全球论坛年会、2001年 APEC峰会及系列会议、2006年上海合作组织成员国元首理事会会议、中国 2010 年上海世博会欢迎宴会等国内外重要会议及政要接待任务,已成为向世界展示上海风貌的亮丽城市名片。

Shanghai International Conference Center has successfully held important domestic and international conferences and received many political celebrities, including the Fortune Global Forum in 1999, APEC Leaders’ Summit and a series of related meetings in 2001, the Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2006, the Welcoming Banquet of 2010 Shanghai EXPO 2010 World Expo and so on.. Definitely, it is one of the brilliant name cards of Shanghai.



The most distinctive architectural feature is its two huge globe-shaped spheres. The world map on the surface is made of the transparent laminated glasses, symbolizing that the International Convention Center is a bridge to the world.



选用上海国际会议中心3层、 4 5 7层功能厅及标准房










